This vignette illustrates a basic workflow how to get data
from Hlídač státu API using hlidacr
For accessing data from the API, you need to obtain API token at the website of Hlídač státu. To get a token, you need to register.
I store the token in the environment variable
For the purpose of the illustration, the following lines show how to
get data from the dataset on Czech ministers’ days in office which are
stored in the dataset with id ministri
. To get the data,
you need to call the function get_dataset_data
returns a list with three elements: Total, Page, and Results. Total
indicates the total number of records, Page indicates the current page
queried from the API and Results contain data.frame with the data.
Therefore, you need to iterate over all of the pages which I do using
TOKEN <- Sys.getenv("HLIDAC_TOKEN")
ministers <- get_dataset_data("ministri", token = TOKEN)
total_records <- ministers$Total
n_rows <- nrow(ministers$Results)
total_pages <- ceiling(total_records / n_rows)
purrr::map_df(1:total_pages, function(x) {
get_dataset_data("ministri", page = x, token = TOKEN)$Results
}) -> ministers_all
ministers_all %>%
mutate(start_date = as.Date(zacatek, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
end_date = as.Date(konec, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
term_days = end_date - start_date) -> ministers_terms
# Descriptive statistics of days in office